Community Lacrosse
Resources for players, coaches, family and atheltic community to spread the love of the game and develop a community focused effort to youth sports.

Building Confidence Through Curiosity and Buy In
What is the curiosity gap and how do youth athletes approach learning? Children (especially athletes) are deeply curious beings – a character strength that arises from our need to learn and develop. Early theories of curiosity proposed its main purpose was to reduce...
Raise Your Game – Take Charge
After a season where we find both our athletes and managers have developed a wait and tell me what to do mindset, and remote connections have enabled a "when the cats (coach) is away the mice will play" attitude, effective leadership is agian at the forefront. The...
2022 Recruiting Newsletter
An Inside Look Into College and Team Recruiting During this time of year, we hear from many parents and players interested in getting started or what their next steps are in the college recruiting process. Things have certainly changed and COVID has made a long term...
Enhancing Coach-Parent Relationships in Youth Sports
Youth sports are a firmly established part of societies around the world, and they directly touch the lives of millions of children, adolescents, and adults. In the United States alone it is estimated that about 60.3 million youngsters 6-to-18 years of age participate...
Parents Responsibility: Blaming Coaches (or officials)
It is time parents start accepting responsibility instead of blaming the youth coach. There is a great article in the coaching journal from 2015 on winning vs developing and how we need both strategies for success in coaching. However, I want to focus on one aspect...
State of Play: Community Lacrosse Matters
Why is community-based lacrosse essential to the growth of the sport? “Several reasons, including the fact that communities foster inclusion and a sense of belonging among residents. Community-sponsored programs have a better ability to reach out to individual...
Get Started
It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Get Started
Starting early doesn’t guarantee success, and starting late doesn’t preclude it. There are steps you can take to improve your child’s experience if even with a late start in sports.