New Chest Protection Required
Maverick M5 EKG Chest Protectors
Beginning in January 2021, goalkeepers must use chest protectors designed for lacrosse certified to the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) commotio cordis protective device standard at the time of manufacture or an alternative protective device certified to that standard.
Beginning in January 2022, field players must wear shoulder pads with protectors certified to the NOCSAE commotio cordis protective device standard at the time of manufacture or an alternative protective device certified to that standard.

The Maveirk M5 EKG mens lacrosse shoulder pads provides high-level protection with Maverik’s External Kardiac Guard (EKG) and extra shoulder and arm protection. These are currently the only shoulder pad that meets the new NOCSAE performance standard ND200 to protect against commotio cordis.
There are over thirty different lacrosse heads available on, and choosing the right one can be a tough task. The angle, stiffness, width and weight are all important aspects to look at when selecting your new lacrosse head. Below is a description of some of these characteristics.
One of the most popular types of lacrosse gear out there; the Offset lacrosse head has revolutionized the way we play the game. The offset lacrosse head drops down at the throat, (where the head meets the handle) of the lacrosse head, allowing for a lower position of the ball and pocket on the head. Offset lacrosse heads are designed to give the lacrosse player maximum feel and control when carrying the ball, as well as great ball retention and accuracy when passing and shooting.
The forward cant technology is very similar to that of the Offset lacrosse head. A forward cant lacrosse head is also angled down at the throat of the lacrosse stick, optimizing ball retention and enabling quicker passing and shooting, without losing any feel or control of the ball.
The curved lacrosse head is also very similar to offset and cant technology. The scoop and sidewalls of this stick gradually curve down at the throat of the lacrosse stick. Curved lacrosse head technology generates power and accuracy on passes and shots, but maintains balance and feel for all lacrosse players who choose to use curved lacrosse heads.
Onset lacrosse heads extend straight on out from the handle. Offset, Cant, and Curved heads all slope downwards. With new lacrosse technology, fewer Onset heads are used by the top lacrosse players. However, Onset lacrosse heads are great for beginning lacrosse players who are learning the proper fundamentals and skills vital to the game of lacrosse.
*All of the above mentioned lacrosse heads are used by all lacrosse players of all positions with the exception of the goaltender.
Stiffness vs. Flexibility
Stiffness and flexibility are two categories which many manufacturers concentrate on when designing new lacrosse heads. However, different lacrosse players like to play with different kinds of lacrosse heads. Some stiff heads may be heavier than other more flexible heads. For example, one defenseman may want to play with a stiffer head for more effective checking, while another defenseman may want a more flexible head for picking up loose groundballs. The same can be said for all lacrosse positions. Stiffness and flexibility are all based on the preferences of the lacrosse player. You can’t go wrong with either choice.
Narrow vs. Wide
Lacrosse heads have become more and more narrow in recent years. Again, some lacrosse players prefer narrow lacrosse heads, while others prefer wider heads. An attackman may want to play with a narrower lacrosse head to maximize ball retention and to protect the ball from defensive checks. A defenseman may choose to play with a wider lacrosse head in an effort to deflect passes, and also make it easier to catch. Most lacrosse heads with narrower shapes are designed for the more advanced lacrosse players, purely because it is harder to catch with a narrow lacrosse head compared to a wider head.

As the sport of lacrosse continues to expand throughout the world, lacrosse manufacturers are using the highest levels of technology to create awesome new lacrosse equipment. Below is a breakdown of some of the most popular types of lacrosse shafts currently available.
Once the most common shaft, aluminum lacrosse handles have a good strength-to-weight ratio. These shafts are great for lacrosse players of all ages, however with advancing technology lighter and stronger handles are now used by higher level lacrosse players. Aluminum shafts are great for attackmen, midfielders, defensemen, and even goalies.
Titanium lacrosse shafts provide a much higher strength-to-weight ratio than any aluminum shaft available. Known for their superior strength, Titanium lacrosse handles are great for the lacrosse player who needs a durable handle that can withstand the physical nature of the game without sacrificing weight. The Warrior Titan Pro Titanium is the number one choice among MLL pros.
Composite lacrosse shafts are made of high grade carbon fiber, allowing for great strength and weight. The composite lacrosse shaft allows for ultimate feel and control. There is no need for grip tape with Composite lacrosse handles.
Alloy lacrosse shafts are characterized by their unmatched feel and weight. They are the lightest lacrosse shafts in the game and also deliver great strength. Many manufacturers are now adding built-in grips to their alloy lacrosse handles which offer the lacrosse player a unique and advantageous feel. Alloy shafts include variations of C405, Vandium, and many other mixed metal combinations.
Made of high performance element number 21. Scandium lacrosse shafts feature the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any other shaft in the lacrosse world. This shaft is great for lacrosse players of all positions because of its great feel and durability.

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