Summer 2022
We are excited to announce registration for the 2022 Summer is OPEN!
Summary Details
- June Intro – July Clinics and Games
- Mondays & Wednesdays
- Bender Fields, Lynden Wa
- First Annual Parent / Player 3v3 Tournament
We are excited to announce registration for the 2022 Summer Lacrosse Season is NOW OPEN!
We Develop, Challenge, and Empower Student-Athletes, and Develop Lacrosse Players.
We hope the players get as much out of our camps and training as we do.
From a kid picking up a stick for the first time, to a committed D1 high school all-star, there is something to be learned at every level.
We develop the modern lacrosse player via cutting-edge strategies and innovative concepts. That involves constant tweaking, crafting, and reinventing our training plans.
We embrace hard work with an understanding that every aspect of training needs to prepare players for success on and off the field.
But most of all, we want our players to have fun. Because if it’s not fun, why bother playing?
Questions? Please reach out to us
NOTE: July 6th there is no actual clinics or training as we will have our alumni and baggataway game with BBQ starting at 5pm and the game will start at 6pm. All current players up through HS should bring their gear and anticipation to play and scrimmage.

Try Lax: Intro
This introduction is designed to introduce first time players from K- 8th grade to the sport of lacrosse. We teach the basic skills in a fun and safe environment. No equipment purchase is required.
Players will be provided everything they need to participate including a Pinnie. After completion players may register for either recreation or fundamental based on their interest level and will receive a free stick to play in our summer programs.
Stay for our free BBQ
- GRADES: K-8 | Coed
- DATES: June 25th
- LOCATION: Bender Fields
- TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
- COST: $40 Online Registration, $50 Same Day

Recreational: Just Play
Recreational Pickup is widely popular in other sports such as basketball and soccer and has helped develop the skillsets of some of the greatest athletes in the world. But finding, let alone organizing a pickup lacrosse game is nearly impossible.
We will give you a stick and weekly coaching with a pickup game each week for this 4 week session designed to bring your friends and first time players out for coaching and 6v6 games.
This is organized chaos. We’ll keep it fast-paced and free-flowing to maximize reps and creativity.
- GRADES: K-8 | Coed
- DATES: July 6th (BBQ) – Aug 3rd, Mon/Wed
- LOCATION: Bender Fields
- TIME: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
- COST: $95 Includes Pinnie

Fundamental: Play Fast
This four-week Training is fundamental-level program for boys/Girls who want to fine-tune their skills and elevate their game. Our coaches work directly with players through our carefully-designed curriculum designed to maximize quality reps, which is why we strive for an 8-to-1 player-to-coach ratio.
Players go through four 90-minute weekly sessions of fast-paced, high-energy drills, short lines and small sided practices with weekly scrimmages!
Full Gear USA Lacrosse Membership Required
- GRADES: K-8 | Coed
- DATES: July 6th (BBQ) – Aug 3rd, Mon/Wed
- TIME: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
- LOCATION: Bender Fields
- COST: $150 Includes Pinnie
NOTE: July 6th there is no actual clinics or training as we will have our alumni and baggataway game with BBQ starting at 5pm and the game will start at 6pm. All current players up through HS should bring their gear and anticipation to play and scrimmage.
WEEK1: Foundational Footwork and Stickwork
- Catching, Throwing, Cradling, Ground balls
- High Reps, No lines, No Waiting, Playing Fast
- Rep it Right: We watch and correct your form on every rep
WEEK 2: Foundational Shooting & Dodging
- How to create the best shot opportunities consistently
- Master the Change of Speed and Change of Direction
- Proper on the run form & dodging skills
WEEK 3: Offense & Defense Basics
- Master the 1v1, Checks and Stick Protection
- Approaches and Angles
- Understanding Goal-Side
- Odd Man Situations 2v1, 3v2
WEEK 4: Team Strategy & Staying Creative
- The 2-Man Game
- Be dangerous withOUT the ball
- Strength in numbers (Defense) 3v2, 4v3
- Sliding and Recovery: Fire, Fill and Find

When you pick up a stick for the first time we know you will fall in love with the sport and there simply is no other experience like it. We are here to support and assist you along the way and discover where this sport can take you.