Parents Resource
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Parents and
Our aim is simple. We deliver resources to our lacrosse community that creates the best atmosphere for players of all ages, backgrounds, sizes and skill levels to thrive. We work to build our community and provide leadership in all key aspects of the sport and invite you to experience this with us.
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Lacrosse Positions Explanation Video
Parent Resource
Parent Pocket Guide
For parents, understanding the game of lacrosse can be challenging. However, we encourage parents to learn as much as they can – both on and off the field. In this section of our website, we’ve included a pocket guide to help understand the game, positions, skills, and basic rules so parents can help their child explore the game. Click the Guide
Financial Aid
The myth of meritocracy isn’t just affecting athletes in youth sports, or athletes in college sports, or athletes in the pros. It turns out these issues are affecting everyone throughout our communities as participation in youth sports continues to decline. Meritocracy is the largest contributor to this decline and as a club we strive to provide every opportunity for players to enjoy our sport while reducing the financial burden as much as possible.
We offer several fundraising programs that significantly reduce the registration fees and purchased equipment requirements needed to participate in our sport. As part of this we do offer scholarship and financial aid on a case by case basis to those that need it the most or are unable to participate in fundraising events. Click the link to download an application form and contact our board as early as possible to learn more about what is available.
Community Roles
Parents provide every opportunity to our players to be successful. Coaches equip players with the skills and tools they need to be successful. Its up to the players to make the most of every opportunity they are given or earned to be successful through ELM, Effort, Learning, and Mistakes are not just “Ok” but Encouraged. Players focused on playing at the edge of their ability where mistakes are common is the shortcut to Maclom Gladwell’s 10,000 hour to Mastery rule.
Core Values
Our core values are what drives us in developing players, coaches, and community around the foundation of what it means to be a CAVALIER with CAVS. The primary goal of the NC Lacrosse is to develop student-athletes based upon on a tradition of excellence within the game and is dedicated towards the athletic and personal development of each player for life and lacrosse. Character, Attitude, Scholar, and Valour.

One of the attributes or features that distinguishes an individual and consists in his or her dispositions to act in certain ways. This is the foundation of success and result of what we do each day
Moral excellence and firmness – Poise and Confidence.
A way of thinking that affects a person’s behaviour.
There is always the motivation of wanting to win. Everyone has that trait, but a champion needs in his attitude, a motivation beyond simply winning, a desire to be better each and every day.
Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger and adversity with firmness: personal bravery.
The qualities of a hero or heroin in the face of danger, especially in battle. This is exemplidied in the warriors code and knights of old in every culture and
A well-educated person who dedicates to a particular subject or is a specialist in a field of study.
Scholar-athletes are a rare hybrid. They are scarce because the requirements needed to succeed in one endeavour are demanded also by the other. Effective time management is critical skill to master and excel in both.
Armor Up.
The equipment requirements for Lacrosse are more then soccer but far less expensive then football. Furthermore the related injuries are far less then both Football and Soccer.

Team Gear
Chest / Shoulder Protector
New Requirements for 2022 For Boy’s and Men’s Lacrosse, shoulder & chest pads below meet the new NOCSAE ND200 standard for 2022. This includes goalie gear for both Boy’s and Girl’s. Look for the symbol below to be compliant.

Youth Starter Set
Complete Player Package Youth lacrosse starter packages are a great option for a player just starting to play the sport. This package includes the Premier Maverick Charger protection pack, which includes the 3 essential pieces of padding, along with a strung stick and white helmet. Everything is hand selected each year, so your player will be provided the best in protection, mobility and technology. The goal of a starter set is to introduce a new player to the game, keeping them as safe as possible, and allowing them the flexibility to enhance their skills.
This package includes a made-in-America premium Cascade helmet, and a pre-strung complete stick, which makes this package a steal. It is recommend for those just starting out as a general youth package for players in the 10U and under age groups K-4th Grade.

Team Helmet / Gloves
Youth Helmet The Cascade XRS uses new technology to offer an updated version of the older cascade models. The XRS gives a perfect combination of comfort, protection, and vision. It is used by the top elite professional, college, and high school programs. The XRS is a great helmet for summer ball because of the ventilation system and breathability technology which keeps players cool in the heat. While the white shell intro helmets are a great way to get started, once a player has progressed their first helmet should be matte black shell and navy chin guard. Individual helmets should be purchased through the club store.
Vinyl Decal Kits Vinyl Decal progression. We want kids to have a sense of excitement and pride as they grow within the program along the way. These skill vinyl kits are a way to show your progression within the program through youth to high school.
Varsity Helmet Warrior Burn with Viconic Protection – A historic approach to head protection focused on safety first. Impact zones in the occipital lobe and temples are reinforced with a lightweight diffusion plate called Viconic. Viconic absorbs multiple impacts both linear and twisting and spreads them across a wide surface area. Adaptfit 270 by BOA Closure System surrounds the head giving players a custom fit helmet for safety and comfort. Dial in the perfect fit.
Team Gloves The Maverik Rome Gloves are Maverik’s highest rated glove giving the elite player maximum protection, breathability and incredible fit. The Gloves are designed using their SPEED FIT profile that gives a close to hand fit for the best freedom of movement. These gloves come with the team colors and players number embossed on the thumb.
Lacrosse “Lax” Rules
Lacrosse basics. For those not familiar with lacrosse, the game can best be described as a cross between hockey, soccer and football. The object of the game is to get the lacrosse ball in the opposing team’s net. The ball cannot be thrown using hands. The most effective way for advancing and shooting a lacrosse ball is catching it and then moving or throwing it with a lacrosse stick. A lacrosse game is divided into four quarters, ranging from eight to 15 minutes depending on age level. The modern lacrosse field at the college level is 110 yards long and 60 yards wide. A lacrosse goal is 6 feet high and 6 feet wide and is positioned 15 feet from the endline allowing 360 play around the goal.
Field Dimensions differ between Men’s and Female and Youth lacrosse but a typical field diagram is shown for reference to boys high school lacrosse.
Lacrosse Rules. The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) authors rules for high school boys’ lacrosse. For 2017, US Lacrosse has produced a stand-alone youth rule book for Boys and Girls U18 as well as age appropriate for ages 14U and below. NSYL (North Sound Youth Lacrosse) league does make some acceptations to these rules that can be found at
Basic Rules Interpretation Videos are shown below for the past season and it is highly encouraged for each player, parent, and coach to watch and understand the fun, fair, sage way to play lacrosse.
The Langauge
Lacrosse “Terms” for Players
Lacrosse basics. For those not familiar with lacrosse, the game can best be described as a cross between hockey, soccer and football. The object of the game is to get the lacrosse ball in the opposing team’s net. The ball cannot be thrown using hands. The most effective way for advancing and shooting a lacross
- “One More“– calling for that open pass, or one more look. Taking the Best Shot not the First Shot
- “Help right/left”- defensive help adjacent to ball
- “Hot” or “My GO”- defensive hot Slide responsibility. My GO frees the thought process to action.
- “Draw and dump”– draw a defender towards you with the ball then pass to the open man (leaving his man to cover you).
- “Vacate-Fill”– Basic Triangle Rotation for Off Ball play. Know where your help will be
- “Dodge-Pass-Pass-Dodge” or “DPD”– 3 man rotation to attack and with one transition play to rotate the ball to the weak or back side defence
- “Fire”– crease slide
- “Coma”– Adjacent cross-crease slide
- “Hole”– area in front of crease/goal
- “3 Man, 2 Ball”– 3 man line drill with middle player passing back and forth to end payers
- “Box area”- square area between head and shoulder
- “C-Cut”- cut into open space or passing lane to the ball if defender is playing soft defence or after a slide from the crease
- “V-Cut”- cut into your man and pop out to ball if defender is playing tight defence
- “Pop off”- pop off crease up top (transition from a 1-4-1 to 2-3-1 or 2-2-2 to 2-1-3)
- “Roll off”– roll off crease behind (transition from a 1-4-1 to Inverted 2-3-1)
- “X dodge”- dodge from behind the change
- “X”- attack position behind the cage
- “Skip Pass”- skip an adjacent perimeter man
- “Fade”- Move backward away from ball carrier as he approaches
- “Follow”- follow pass looking for shot
- “Sneak”- sneak from behind to GLE
- “GLE”- goal line extended
- “Backside”- low pipe position on opposite side of the cage
- “Ball Side”- Defence on ball side of the crease where all players should be extended within 5 yds of their man
- “Help Side”- Defence off ball side of the crease where all players are playing the back side pipe to cover the crease so that the slide rotations are achieved much quicker.
- “Push – Pull”- proper throwing motion
- “Zero”- “Iso” – 1 v 1 Play for the player who has the ball.
- “Banana”– (Its not what you eat) bowed motion out to side on beginning of clear
The Langauge
Lacrosse “Terms” for Parents
Lacrosse basics. For those not familiar with lacrosse, the game can best be described as a cross between hockey, soccer and football. The object of the game is to get the lacrosse ball in the opposing team’s net. The ball cannot be thrown using hands. The most effective way for advancing and shooting a lacrosse
- Attack Area – The zone of the lacrosse field with the opponents goal.
- Attacker – Offensive player who is responsible for scoring goals.
- Clear – When the defense gets the ball and tries to get the ball into their offensive zone on the lacrosse field.
- Crease – A circle around the lacrosse goal that is the goalie’s area. Only the goalie and defensive players can enter the crease and only the goalie can handle the ball while in the crease.
- Cross check – When an opponent has the ball, or is within five yards of the ball, a player can body check them. A body check must make contact from the front of the player and between the waist and the shoulders. There is also a stick check where you may hit the player on the stick or gloves in order to knock the ball away or to keep a player from getting the ball.
- Crosse – A name for the lacrosse stick.
- Defender – A defensive player. There must always be at least four defensive players on the defensive side of the lacrosse field.
- Defensive Area – The side of the lacrosse field where the goal you are defending resides.
- Face-off – To start play, the ball is placed on the ground between two players. When the referee blows the whistle each player tries to gain control of the ball.
- Fast break – When the offense quickly moves the ball such that they have a player advantage at the offensive end.
- FOGO – Face Off Only Guy
- Goal – 6 foot by 6 foot poles with a net or a point scored when the ball enters the net.
- Goal Keeper – Player that resides in the crease (see crease) and protects the goal.
- LSM – Long Stick Midfielder. The Greatest Threat on the Lacrosse Field.
- Man-up Man-Down (power play) – In lacrosse, when a player commits a foul they may receive penalty time. During this time their team will have to play with one less player creating a power play or Man-up for the other team and a Man-down for their team.
- Midfielder – The lacrosse player responsible for transitioning between defense and offense. They play the entire field.
- Offsides – A lacrosse penalty when one team has more than 6 players on one half of the field.
- Ride – When the offense tries to stop the defense from clearing the ball. See clear.
- Settled – A playing situation where all the lacrosse players are in their proper positions. Usually means they had time to set up.
- Slashing – Hitting another player with the lacrosse stick on an area other than their stick or gloves.
- Stick “Crosse”– The stick with a net on the end that is used to catch, throw, shoot, and carry the ball.
- Transition – Moving the ball from the defensive side of the lacrosse field to the offensive side.
- Unsettled – A playing situation where some lacrosse players are out of position or not set up often giving an advantage to the offense.
- Wing area – Area in the middle of the lacrosse field between the attack zone and the defensive zone.
- X – The area behind the goal.

When you pick up a stick for the first time we know you will fall in love with the sport and there simply is no other experience like it. We are here to support and assist you along the way and discover where this sport can take you.